Meaning of (खरगोश का माँस) kharagosh ka mans in english

As noun :
rabbit Ex:  The rabbit scampered away across the lawn .
Suggested : any of several soft-furred, large-eared, rodentlike burrowing mammals of the family Leporidae, allied with the hares and pikas in the order Lagomorpha, having a divided upper lip and long hind legs, usually smaller than the hares and mainly distinguished from them by bearing blind and furless young in nests rather than fully developed young in the open
Exampleखरगोश का माँस का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(खरगोश का माँस) kharagosh ka mans can be used as noun.. No of characters: 13 including consonants matras. Transliteration : kharagosha kaa maa.Nsa

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